I am an artist interested in topics such as identity, language and body. Currently, I take the word “sudaca” (a word referring to the people of South America in a derogatory way) as a position to compare and cross a variety of issues in Peru, Latin America and Europe through letters that my friend in Peru and I have been sending to each other. We both analyse the category of “otherness” from a decolonial perspective but concerning our current contexts.
My pieces include installations, videos and writings translated from Spanish to English which seek to show the relations with other “bodies”, the comparison with European thought and the construction of alternative narratives, where the personal becomes a political issue.
Email: rociodavila92@gmail.com
Instagram: @rocio.artwork
Website: rociodavilacom.wordpress.com
Rocio Dávila, How to dance salsa music, 2021, 3-monitor video installation. Photo credit: Jules Lister.